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Here comes the ‘Democrats!’

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BUT for the formal ceremony on January 20, 2021 and whether Donald Trump and his Republican Party like it or not, the US presidential election is over and Americans have a new president, Democratic Party candidate, Joe Biden.

Even before the result was made clear, the ever optimistic among us opined that Biden’s election would be “good” for US-PH relations. Let us hope so too although we have our own reservations.

For the fact of the matter is, regardless of whether a Republican or a Democrat gets to sit in the White House, the Philippines can never expect any fair treatment based on mutual respect—and the same goes too, for other countries, particularly those in Asia, who are forever “inferior races” insofar as US foreign policy and attitude is concerned.

If we are to refer to the official records, we discover that the Democrats were behind the most aggressive wars and warmongering that befell Asians.

Recall that in the Korean War, it was Democratic president, Harry Truman, who singlehandedly drag the US into intervening in that war; in Vietnam, two US democratic presidents, John F. Kennedy and Lydon Johnson, were responsible for enlarging and prolonging the Vietnam War.

And yes, it was the ‘Pivot to Asia’ declaration of Democratic president Barak Obama in 2011 that is really the cause of tension in Asia and the United States—and not the recent racist remarks of Trump targeting China.

Here in the Philippines, our hope of good relationship with the US under Pres. Biden is clouded by the fact that all those opposing the government—even inventing lies just to besmirch the country abroad like Maria Ressa– are being supported and being propped up by individuals and groups identified with the Democratic Party—Time Magazine, the New York Times, Hillary Clinton, etc., etc.

After Pres. Biden’s inauguration on January 20, 2021, our eyes should then focus on who gets to be the next US ambassador to the Philippines.

For who gets to replace Amb. Sung Kim is a clear signal as to whether Uncle Sam intends to maintain good relationship with us on the basis of mutual respect or whether, the Biden presidency is about to force on us a “regime change” similar to what they have tried to do—and continuing to do– in Hongkong and Thailand.

The Roman writer Virgil putting words into the mouth of the Trojan priest, Laocoon to warn Troy of its impending doom from the hands of the Greeks during the Trojan War some 3,000 years ago, said, ‘Timeo Danaos et dona farentes’ on seeing the huge wooden horse “left behind” by their enemies. Its translation? “I fear the Greeks even when they bear gifts.”

If we have learned anything from our own experience in our relationship with US Imperialism and if the records of recent history is to be our basis, it is this—we should never be too trusting again of the Americans, especially a “democratic” American. ###

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